Source: ui.product.styl

@import "variables"

 * The product presentation.
 * @component .product
 * @example <div class="ui product">
 *     <!-- content -->
 * </div>
        padding-top 10px

        float left
        margin-left: gutter
        margin-right: gutter
        text-align left
        column(12, 12, gutter)

        @media (min-width: screen-sm)
            column(7, 12, gutter)

        font-weight bold
        text-transform uppercase
        font-size 4.5rem
        color #2c1200

        font-size 4rem
        color #2c1200

     * The place reserved for images.
     * @component .product--image
     * @example <div class="product--image">
     *     <!-- content -->
     * </div>
     * @partof .product
        float left
        column(12, 12, gutter)
        margin-left gutter
        margin-right gutter
        margin-bottom gutter
        text-align center

        @media (min-width: screen-sm)
            column(5, 12, gutter)
            padding-bottom 0

         * Allow images to be displayed as a carousel.
         * @type {variation}
         * @name .as-carousel
         * @memberOf .product--image
         * @example <div class="product--image as-carousel">
         *     <!-- content -->
         * </div>
                box-sizing border-box

                    background-color: #2c1200

                margin 6px
                border 2px solid #2c1200
                height 12px
                width 12px
                display inline-block
                background-color transparent

                @media (min-width: screen-sm)
                    margin 10px
                    height 20px
                    width 20px

     * Display the text area with less space to the right.
     * @type {variation}
     * @name .as-carousel
     * @memberOf .product--image
     * @example <div class="product as-small">
     *     <!-- content -->
     * </div>
        & ^[0]--presentation
            column(1, 1, gutter)
            margin-left gutter
            margin-right gutter
            @media (min-width: screen-lg)
                column(1, 2, gutter)*/